师** 所授课,课程内容丰富,质量优秀。
- 课程中包含 85 篇文章、49 个可下载资源和 8 个代码练习,让你更好地理解和掌握 Web 开发技能。
- 该课程不仅涵盖了前端开发和后端开发,还包括最新的技术和框架,例如 Javascript ES6、Bootstrap 4 和 MongoDB。
- 本课程非常适合想要从事或转行到 Web 开发领域的人,或者想要为自己的初创公司或企业构建成熟的网站和 Web 应用程序的人。
- 本课程提供了逐步指导,即使你没有编程经验,也能够轻松掌握所有的知识和技能。
├──0. Websites you may like
├──01 – Course Orientation
| ├──005 Will I Get A Job_.mp4 41.79M
| ├──009 Migrating From The Old Version Of This Course.mp4 52.29M
| └──28574459-WDB-Course-Intro.pdf 32.41M
├──02 – An Introduction to Web Development
| ├──002 The Internet in 5 Minutes.mp4 117.87M
| ├──003 Intro to the Web.mp4 59.44M
| ├──004 The Request_Response Cycle.mp4 76.82M
| ├──007 Setting Up Our Developer Environment.mp4 32.84M
| └──008 OPTIONAL VSCode Theme.mp4 54.89M
├──03 – HTML_ The Essentials
| ├──002 Introduction to HTML.mp4 112.04M
| ├──003 Our Very First HTML Page.mp4 76.40M
| ├──005 Paragraph Elements.mp4 40.38M
| ├──006 Heading Elements.mp4 118.98M
| ├──007 Introduction to the Chrome Inspector.mp4 49.36M
| ├──008 HTML Boilerplate.mp4 112.09M
| ├──009 VSCode Tip_ Auto-format.mp4 32.82M
| ├──010 List Elements.mp4 142.17M
| ├──011 Anchor Tags.mp4 93.83M
| ├──012 Images.mp4 131.87M
| └──013 Comments.mp4 43.91M
├──04 – HTML_ Next Steps & Semantics
| ├──002 What Exactly Is HTML5_.mp4 100.19M
| ├──003 Block vs. Inline Elements – Divs and Spans.mp4 158.10M
| ├──004 An Odd Assortment of Elements_ HR, BR, Sup, & Sub.mp4 133.53M
| ├──005 Entity Codes.mp4 103.04M
| ├──006 Intro to Semantic Markup.mp4 160.81M
| ├──007 Playing With Semantic Elements.mp4 252.97M
| └──009 VSCode Tip_ Emmet.mp4 38.45M
├──05 – HTML_ Forms & Tables
| ├──003 Introducing HTML Tables.mp4 61.71M
| ├──004 Tables_ TR, TD, and TH Elements.mp4 128.53M
| ├──005 Tables_ Thead, Tbody, and Tfoot Elements.mp4 36.76M
| ├──006 Tables_ Colspan & Rowspan.mp4 41.14M
| ├──007 The Form Element.mp4 112.84M
| ├──008 Common Input Types.mp4 45.14M
| ├──009 The All-Important Label.mp4 74.09M
| ├──010 HTML Buttons.mp4 31.63M
| ├──011 The Name Attribute.mp4 54.42M
| ├──012 Hijacking Google & Reddit’s Search.mp4 86.13M
| ├──013 Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, & Selects.mp4 112.08M
| ├──014 Range & Text Area.mp4 117.82M
| ├──015 HTML5 Form Validations.mp4 86.38M
| └──017 Creating A Marathon Registration Form Solution.mp4 58.09M
├──06 – CSS_ The Very Basics
| ├──002 What is CSS_.mp4 57.58M
| ├──003 CSS is Huge, Don’t Panic_.mp4 56.14M
| ├──004 Including Styles Correctly.mp4 35.54M
| ├──005 Color & Background-Color Properties.mp4 28.99M
| ├──006 Colors Systems_ RGB & Named Colors.mp4 92.73M
| ├──007 Colors Systems_ Hexadecimal.mp4 34.41M
| ├──009 Common Text Properties.mp4 213.09M
| ├──010 Font Size Basics With Pixels.mp4 32.57M
| └──011 The Font Family Property.mp4 70.97M
├──07 – The World of CSS Selectors
| ├──002 Universal & Element Selectors.mp4 31.53M
| ├──003 The ID Selector.mp4 58.70M
| ├──004 The Class Selector.mp4 47.04M
| ├──005 The Descendent Selector.mp4 50.14M
| ├──006 The Adjacent & Direct-Descendent Selectors.mp4 41.25M
| ├──007 The Attribute Selector.mp4 78.75M
| ├──008 Pseudo Classes.mp4 119.01M
| ├──009 Pseudo Elements.mp4 30.95M
| ├──011 WTF is Specificity.mp4 36.68M
| ├──013 Inline Styles & Important.mp4 39.51M
| └──014 CSS Inheritance.mp4 58.35M
├──08 – The CSS Box Model
| ├──002 Box Model_ Width & Height.mp4 33.27M
| ├──003 Box Model_ Border & Border-Radius.mp4 178.44M
| ├──004 Box Model_ Padding.mp4 118.05M
| ├──005 Box Model_ Margin.mp4 41.92M
| ├──006 The Display Property.mp4 98.57M
| ├──007 CSS Units Revisited.mp4 43.23M
| ├──008 CSS Units_ ems.mp4 95.42M
| └──009 CSS Units_ rems.mp4 76.38M
├──09 – Other Assorted Useful CSS Properties
| ├──003 The Position Property.mp4 129.95M
| ├──004 CSS Transitions (yay_).mp4 48.18M
| ├──005 The Power of CSS Transforms.mp4 84.28M
| ├──006 Fancy Button Hover Effect CodeAlong.mp4 62.03M
| ├──007 The Truth About Background.mp4 186.90M
| ├──008 Google Fonts is Amazing.mp4 125.81M
| ├──009 Photo Blog CodeAlong Pt. 1.mp4 163.62M
| └──010 Photo Blog CodeAlong Pt. 2.mp4 209.50M
├──10 – Responsive CSS & Flexbox
| ├──002 What on Earth Is Flexbox_.mp4 70.19M
| ├──003 Flex-Direction.mp4 41.41M
| ├──006 Align-Items.mp4 76.25M
| ├──008 Flex-Basis, Grow, & Shrink.mp4 33.60M
| ├──009 Flex Shorthand.mp4 49.33M
| ├──010 Responsive Design & Media Queries Intro.mp4 143.02M
| ├──011 The Power of Media Queries.mp4 64.67M
| └──012 Building a Responsive Nav.mp4 126.69M
├──11 – Pricing Panel Project
| ├──001 Pricing Panel CodeAlong Pt. 1.mp4 44.93M
| ├──002 Pricing Panel CodeAlong Pt. 2.mp4 37.84M
| ├──003 Pricing Panel CodeAlong Pt. 3.mp4 99.21M
| ├──004 Pricing Panel CodeAlong Pt. 4.mp4 95.25M
| ├──005 Pricing Panel CodeAlong Pt. 5.mp4 76.37M
| └──006 Pricing Panel CodeAlong Pt. 6.mp4 42.92M
├──12 – CSS Frameworks_ Bootstrap
| ├──002 WTF Is Bootstrap.mp4 190.26M
| ├──003 Including Bootstrap & Containers.mp4 205.14M
| ├──004 Bootstrap Buttons.mp4 129.96M
| ├──005 Bootstrap Typography & Utilities.mp4 108.72M
| ├──006 Badges, Alerts, & Button Groups.mp4 160.70M
| ├──007 Intro to the Bootstrap Grid.mp4 92.56M
| ├──008 Responsive Bootstrap Grids.mp4 181.21M
| ├──009 Useful Grid Utilities.mp4 186.33M
| ├──010 Bootstrap & Forms.mp4 226.78M
| ├──011 Bootstrap Navbars.mp4 350.74M
| ├──012 Bootstrap Icons_.mp4 95.43M
| ├──013 Other Bootstrap Utilities.mp4 224.25M
| └──014 A Mixed Bag of Other Bootstrap Stuff.mp4 60.66M
├──13 – OPTIONAL Museum Of Candy Project
| ├──002 Museum of Candy Project Part 1.mp4 42.81M
| ├──004 Museum of Candy Project Part 2.mp4 213.88M
| ├──005 Museum of Candy Project Part 3.mp4 79.13M
| ├──006 Museum of Candy Project Part 4.mp4 280.99M
| ├──006 Museum of Candy Project Part 4_en.srt 24.28kb
| └──007 Museum of Candy Project Part 5.mp4 159.77M
├──14 – JavaScript Basics_
| ├──002 Why JavaScript is Awesome.mp4 141.43M
| ├──003 Primitives & The Console.mp4 42.18M
| ├──004 JavaScript Numbers.mp4 29.89M
| └──009 Const & Var.mp4 33.58M
├──15 – JavaScript Strings and More
| ├──003 Indices & Length.mp4 46.94M
| ├──004 String Methods.mp4 50.82M
| ├──005 String Methods With Arguments.mp4 116.49M
| ├──006 String Template Literals -SUPER USEFUL.mp4 37.29M
| └──008 Random Numbers & The Math Object.mp4 62.01M
├──16 – JavaScript Decision Making
| ├──003 Comparison Operators.mp4 44.26M
| ├──004 Equality_ Triple Vs. Double Equals.mp4 19.23M
| ├──008 Else-If.mp4 40.69M
| ├──009 Else.mp4 125.33M
| ├──010 Nesting Conditionals.mp4 32.84M
| ├──013 Logical OR.mp4 32.99M
| └──015 The Switch Statement Is…A Lot.mp4 47.22M
├──17 – JavaScript Arrays
| ├──002 Introducing Arrays.mp4 116.42M
| ├──003 Array Random Access.mp4 30.78M
| ├──004 Push & Pop.mp4 51.20M
| ├──006 Concat, indexOf, includes & reverse.mp4 33.64M
| └──007 Slice & Splice.mp4 125.01M
├──18 – JavaScript Object Literals
| └──006 Nesting Arrays & Objects.mp4 59.54M
├──19 – Repeating Stuff With Loops
| ├──002 Intro to For Loops.mp4 66.02M
| ├──004 The Perils Of Infinite Loops (.mp4 62.11M
| ├──005 Looping Over Arrays.mp4 76.04M
| ├──006 Nested Loops.mp4 80.49M
| ├──009 Writing a Guessing Game.mp4 56.62M
| ├──010 The Lovely For…Of Loop.mp4 34.83M
| ├──013 Todo List Project CodeAlong.mp4 165.88M
| └──013 Todo List Project CodeAlong_en.srt 27.46kb
├──20 – NEW Introducing Functions
| ├──004 Arguments Intro.mp4 40.19M
| └──005 Functions With Multiple Arguments.mp4 54.52M
├──21 – Leveling Up Our Functions
| ├──003 Block Scope.mp4 46.86M
| ├──007 Returning Functions.mp4 80.12M
| └──009 The Mysterious Keyword ‘this’.mp4 95.01M
├──22 – Callbacks & Array Methods
| ├──009 The filter Method.mp4 62.25M
| ├──011 The Notorious Reduce Method.mp4 48.08M
| └──012 Arrow Functions & ‘this’.mp4 31.84M
├──23 – Newer JavaScript Features
| ├──005 Spread with Objects.mp4 38.25M
| ├──006 Rest Params.mp4 44.07M
| ├──008 Destructuring Objects.mp4 31.23M
| └──009 Destructuring Params.mp4 32.41M
├──24 – Introducing The World Of The DOM
| ├──002 Introducing the DOM.mp4 82.04M
| ├──003 The Document Object.mp4 181.18M
| ├──004 getElementById.mp4 128.77M
| ├──005 getElementsByTagName & className.mp4 160.58M
| ├──006 querySelector & querySelectorAll.mp4 120.79M
| ├──007 innerHTML, textContent, & innerText.mp4 256.96M
| ├──008 Attributes.mp4 158.43M
| ├──009 Changing Styles.mp4 212.91M
| ├──010 ClassList.mp4 96.74M
| ├──011 Traversing Parent_Child_Sibling.mp4 149.27M
| ├──012 Append & AppendChild.mp4 144.86M
| ├──013 removeChild & remove.mp4 59.45M
| └──014 Pokemon Sprites Demo.mp4 133.68M
├──25 – The Missing Piece_ DOM Events
| ├──002 Intro to Events.mp4 141.99M
| ├──003 Inline Events.mp4 64.96M
| ├──004 The Onclick Property.mp4 54.31M
| ├──005 addEventListener.mp4 57.60M
| ├──006 Random Color Exercise.mp4 33.86M
| ├──007 Events & The Keyword This.mp4 50.22M
| ├──008 Keyboard Events & Event Objects.mp4 49.17M
| ├──009 NEW VERSION_ Form Events & PreventDefault.mp4 78.77M
| ├──010 NEW VERSION_ Practice With Form Events & PreventDefault.mp4 65.05M
| ├──011 ORIGINAL VERSION_ Form Events & PreventDefault.mp4 151.45M
| ├──011 ORIGINAL VERSION_ Form Events & PreventDefault_en.srt 27.59kb
| ├──013 Event Bubbling.mp4 91.65M
| └──014 Event Delegation.mp4 43.09M
├──26 – Score Keeper CodeAlong
| ├──001 Score Keeper Pt. 1.mp4 48.10M
| ├──002 Score Keeper Pt. 2.mp4 55.29M
| ├──003 Score Keeper Pt. 3 With Bulma.mp4 91.63M
| └──004 Score Keeper Pt. 4 Refactoring.mp4 53.91M
├──27 – Async JavaScript_ Oh Boy_
| ├──002 The Call Stack.mp4 35.34M
| ├──003 WebAPIs & Single Threaded.mp4 70.63M
| ├──004 Callback Hell (.mp4 62.78M
| ├──005 Demo fakeRequest Using Callbacks.mp4 59.00M
| ├──006 Demo_ fakeRequest Using Promises.mp4 117.24M
| ├──007 The Magic Of Promises.mp4 53.32M
| ├──008 Creating Our Own Promises.mp4 60.83M
| ├──009 The Async Keyword.mp4 35.65M
| └──010 The Await Keyword.mp4 50.82M
├──28 – AJAX and API’s
| ├──002 Intro to AJAX.mp4 170.91M
| ├──003 Intro to APIs.mp4 164.21M
| ├──004 WTF is JSON.mp4 66.98M
| ├──005 Using Postman.mp4 171.29M
| ├──006 Query Strings & Headers.mp4 219.07M
| ├──007 Making XHR’s.mp4 30.16M
| ├──008 The Fetch API.mp4 74.53M
| ├──009 Intro to Axios.mp4 66.39M
| ├──010 Setting Headers With Axios.mp4 115.89M
| └──011 TV Show Search App.mp4 182.45M
├──29 – Prototypes, Classes, & OOP
| ├──002 What On Earth Are Prototypes.mp4 54.13M
| ├──003 Intro to Object Oriented Programming.mp4 29.69M
| ├──004 Factory Functions.mp4 30.16M
| ├──005 Constructor Functions.mp4 146.50M
| ├──006 JavaScript Classes.mp4 85.87M
| ├──007 More Classes Practice.mp4 38.20M
| └──008 Extends and Super Keywords.mp4 33.15M
├──30 – Mastering The Terminal
| ├──004 Why Do We Need To Know Terminal Commands_.mp4 57.78M
| ├──006 The Basics_ LS & PWD.mp4 43.07M
| ├──007 Changing Directories.mp4 87.43M
| ├──008 Relative Vs. Absolute Paths.mp4 43.46M
| ├──009 Making Directories.mp4 42.76M
| ├──010 Man Pages & Flags.mp4 58.05M
| └──012 Removing Files & Folders.mp4 36.79M
├──31 – Our First Brush With Node
| ├──002 Introducing Node JS.mp4 41.98M
| ├──003 What Is Node Used For_.mp4 104.86M
| ├──005 The Node REPL.mp4 34.89M
| ├──007 Process & Argv.mp4 40.37M
| └──008 File System Module Crash Course.mp4 185.10M
├──32 – Exploring Modules & The NPM Universe
| ├──002 Working With module.exports.mp4 47.33M
| ├──003 Requiring A Directory.mp4 38.05M
| ├──005 Installing Packages – Jokes & Rainbow.mp4 91.47M
| ├──006 Adding Global Packages.mp4 48.78M
| ├──007 The All-Important Package.json.mp4 53.92M
| ├──008 Installing All Dependencies For A Project.mp4 57.31M
| └──009 Language Guesser Challenge.mp4 89.58M
├──33 – Creating Servers With Express
| ├──003 Our Very First Express App.mp4 53.25M
| ├──004 The Request & Response Objects.mp4 85.08M
| ├──005 Express Routing Basics.mp4 107.30M
| ├──006 Express Path Parameters.mp4 105.93M
| ├──007 Working With Query Strings.mp4 32.68M
| └──008 Auto-Restart With Nodemon.mp4 39.43M
├──34 – Creating Dynamic HTML With Templating
| ├──002 What is Templating_.mp4 98.24M
| ├──003 Configuring Express For EJS.mp4 66.70M
| ├──004 Setting The Views Directory.mp4 42.92M
| ├──005 EJS Interpolation Syntax.mp4 43.58M
| ├──009 Loops In EJS.mp4 66.02M
| ├──010 A More Complex Subreddit Demo.mp4 155.38M
| ├──011 Serving Static Assets In Express.mp4 95.84M
| ├──012 Bootstrap + Express.mp4 165.43M
| └──013 EJS & Partials.mp4 170.29M
├──35 – Defining RESTful Routes
| ├──003 Defining Express Post Routes.mp4 36.39M
| ├──004 Parsing The Request Body.mp4 75.10M
| ├──005 Intro to REST.mp4 85.19M
| ├──007 RESTful Comments Index.mp4 36.79M
| ├──008 RESTful Comments New.mp4 91.65M
| ├──010 RESTful Comments Show.mp4 190.55M
| ├──011 The UUID Package.mp4 79.91M
| ├──012 RESTful Comments Update.mp4 111.86M
| ├──013 Express Method Override.mp4 125.46M
| └──014 RESTful Comments Delete.mp4 92.04M
├──36 – Our First Database_ MongoDB
| ├──002 Introduction to Databases.mp4 31.31M
| ├──003 SQL Vs. NoSQL Databases.mp4 49.32M
| ├──004 Why We’re Learning Mongo.mp4 66.64M
| ├──009 Inserting With Mongo.mp4 40.87M
| ├──010 Finding With Mongo.mp4 68.45M
| ├──011 Updating With Mongo.mp4 70.54M
| └──013 Additional Mongo Operators.mp4 105.50M
├──37 – Connecting To Mongo With Mongoose
| ├──003 Connecting Mongoose to Mongo.mp4 103.72M
| ├──004 Our First Mongoose Model.mp4 90.20M
| ├──005 Insert Many.mp4 32.67M
| ├──006 Finding With Mongoose.mp4 86.86M
| ├──007 Updating With Mongoose.mp4 101.53M
| ├──008 Deleting With Mongoose_.mp4 33.35M
| ├──009 Mongoose Schema Validations.mp4 115.35M
| ├──010 Additional Schema Constraints.mp4 109.33M
| ├──011 Validating Mongoose Updates.mp4 44.25M
| ├──012 Mongoose Validation Errors.mp4 55.90M
| ├──013 Model Instance Methods.mp4 151.08M
| ├──014 Adding Model Static Methods.mp4 71.86M
| ├──015 Mongoose Virtuals.mp4 66.93M
| └──016 Defining Mongoose Middleware.mp4 79.72M
├──38 – Putting It All Together_ Mongoose With Express
| ├──003 Creating Our Model.mp4 105.59M
| ├──005 Product Details.mp4 39.61M
| ├──006 Creating Products.mp4 91.61M
| ├──007 Updating Products.mp4 193.02M
| ├──008 Tangent On Category Selector.mp4 92.84M
| ├──009 Deleting Products.mp4 46.36M
| └──010 BONUS_ Filtering By Category.mp4 46.37M
├──39 – YelpCamp_ Campgrounds CRUD
| ├──001 Introducing YelpCamp_ Our Massive Project.mp4 38.25M
| ├──004 Campground Model Basics.mp4 61.59M
| ├──005 Seeding Campgrounds.mp4 147.56M
| ├──008 Campground New & Create.mp4 43.62M
| └──009 Campground Edit & Update.mp4 64.33M
├──40 – Middleware_ The Key To Express
| ├──003 Using Morgan – Logger Middleware.mp4 69.76M
| ├──004 Defining Our Own Middleware.mp4 83.79M
| ├──005 More Middleware Practice.mp4 96.68M
| ├──006 Setting Up A 404 Route.mp4 38.75M
| └──008 Protecting Specific Routes.mp4 38.14M
├──41 – YelpCamp_ Adding Basic Styles
| ├──001 A New EJS Tool For Layouts.mp4 75.00M
| ├──002 Bootstrap5_ Boilerplate.mp4 53.08M
| ├──003 Navbar Partial.mp4 60.46M
| ├──005 Adding Images.mp4 99.17M
| ├──006 Styling Campgrounds Index.mp4 61.27M
| ├──007 Styling The New Form.mp4 149.32M
| ├──008 Styling Edit Form.mp4 40.48M
| └──009 Styling Show Page.mp4 172.87M
├──42 – Handling Errors In Express Apps
| ├──002 Express’ Built-In Error Handler.mp4 105.19M
| ├──003 Defining Custom Error Handlers.mp4 138.73M
| ├──004 Our Custom Error Class.mp4 160.69M
| ├──005 Handling Async Errors.mp4 185.59M
| ├──006 Handling More Async Errors_.mp4 103.35M
| ├──007 Defining An Async Utility.mp4 92.77M
| └──008 Differentiating Mongoose Errors.mp4 102.52M
├──43 – YelpCamp_ Errors & Validating Data
| ├──002 Client-Side Form Validations.mp4 111.92M
| ├──003 Basic Error Handler.mp4 34.13M
| ├──004 Defining ExpressError Class.mp4 73.94M
| ├──005 More Errors.mp4 54.05M
| ├──006 Defining Error Template.mp4 28.78M
| ├──007 JOI Schema Validations.mp4 134.95M
| └──008 JOI Validation Middleware.mp4 198.99M
├──44 – Data Relationships With Mongo
| ├──002 Introduction to Mongo Relationships.mp4 68.39M
| ├──003 SQL Relationships Overview.mp4 59.80M
| ├──004 One to Few.mp4 75.01M
| ├──005 One to Many.mp4 121.70M
| ├──006 Mongoose Populate.mp4 35.13M
| ├──007 One to Bajillions.mp4 89.79M
| └──008 Mongo Schema Design.mp4 57.77M
├──45 – Mongo Relationships With Express
| ├──002 Defining Our Farm & Product Models.mp4 32.43M
| ├──004 Creating New Farms.mp4 59.53M
| ├──006 Creating Products For A Farm.mp4 127.12M
| ├──007 Finishing Touches.mp4 109.35M
| └──008 Deletion Mongoose Middleware.mp4 129.16M
├──46 – YelpCamp_ Adding The Reviews Model
| ├──002 Adding The Review Form.mp4 36.18M
| ├──003 Creating Reviews.mp4 114.45M
| ├──004 Validating Reviews.mp4 114.94M
| ├──005 Displaying Reviews.mp4 97.94M
| ├──006 Styling Reviews.mp4 29.64M
| ├──007 Deleting Reviews.mp4 108.02M
| └──008 Campground Delete Middleware.mp4 101.59M
├──47 – Express Router & Cookies
| ├──002 Express Router Intro.mp4 101.99M
| ├──003 Express Router & Middleware.mp4 59.52M
| ├──004 Introducing Cookies.mp4 110.22M
| ├──005 Sending Cookies.mp4 77.08M
| ├──006 Cookie Parser Middleware.mp4 48.00M
| ├──007 Signing Cookies.mp4 101.33M
| └──008 OPTIONAL_ HMAC Signing.mp4 66.06M
├──48 – Express Session & Flash
| ├──003 Express Session.mp4 96.96M
| ├──004 More Express Session.mp4 71.50M
| └──005 Intro to Flash.mp4 59.52M
├──49 – YelpCamp_ Restructuring & Flash
| ├──001 Breaking Out Campground Routes.mp4 133.59M
| ├──002 Breaking Out Review Routes.mp4 66.37M
| ├──003 Serving Static Assets.mp4 72.54M
| ├──004 Configuring Session.mp4 97.11M
| ├──005 Setting Up Flash.mp4 76.29M
| ├──006 Flash Success Partial.mp4 76.36M
| └──007 Flash Errors Partial.mp4 54.34M
├──50 – Authentication From Scratch
| ├──004 Cryptographic Hashing Functions.mp4 73.00M
| ├──005 Password Salts.mp4 101.09M
| ├──006 Intro to Bcrypt.mp4 138.17M
| ├──007 Auth Demo_ Setup.mp4 44.87M
| ├──008 Auth Demo_ Registering.mp4 64.94M
| ├──009 Auth Demo_ Login.mp4 84.59M
| ├──010 Auth Demo_ Staying Logged In With Session.mp4 74.61M
| ├──011 Auth Demo_ Logout.mp4 30.29M
| └──013 Auth Demo_ Refactoring To Model Methods.mp4 152.78M
├──51 – YelpCamp_ Adding In Authentication
| ├──003 Configuring Passport.mp4 112.91M
| ├──004 Register Form.mp4 43.27M
| ├──005 Register Route Logic.mp4 57.05M
| ├──006 Login Routes.mp4 53.96M
| ├──007 isLoggedIn Middleware.mp4 95.32M
| ├──008 Adding Logout.mp4 44.17M
| ├──009 currentUser Helper.mp4 60.75M
| └──011 ReturnTo Behavior.mp4 30.56M
├──52 – YelpCamp_ Basic Authorization
| ├──001 Adding an Author to Campground.mp4 114.84M
| ├──003 Campground Permissions.mp4 132.70M
| ├──004 Authorization Middleware.mp4 184.03M
| ├──005 Reviews Permissions.mp4 67.43M
| └──006 More Reviews Authorization.mp4 151.82M
├──53 – YelpCamp_ Controllers & Star Ratings
| ├──001 Refactoring To Campgrounds Controller.mp4 162.30M
| ├──002 Adding a Reviews Controller.mp4 48.90M
| ├──003 A Fancy Way To Restructure Routes.mp4 38.96M
| ├──004 Displaying Star Ratings.mp4 98.98M
| └──005 Star Rating Form.mp4 69.94M
├──54 – YelpCamp_ Image Upload
| ├──002 The Multer Middleware.mp4 103.97M
| ├──004 Environment Variables with dotenv.mp4 74.96M
| ├──005 Uploading To Cloudinary Basics.mp4 127.42M
| ├──006 Storing Uploaded Image Links In Mongo.mp4 150.22M
| ├──007 Displaying Images In A Carousel.mp4 52.24M
| ├──008 Fixing Our Seeds.mp4 30.84M
| ├──009 Adding Upload to Edit Page.mp4 43.52M
| ├──010 Customizing File Input.mp4 119.75M
| ├──012 Deleting Images Form.mp4 132.89M
| ├──013 Deleting Images Backend.mp4 120.63M
| └──014 Adding a Thumbnail Virtual Property.mp4 168.59M
├──55 – YelpCamp_ Adding Maps
| ├──001 Registering For Mapbox.mp4 40.71M
| ├──002 Geocoding Our Locations.mp4 173.03M
| ├──003 Working With GeoJSON.mp4 85.50M
| ├──004 Displaying A Map.mp4 99.12M
| ├──005 Centering The Map On A Campground.mp4 79.95M
| ├──006 Fixing Our Seeds Bug.mp4 76.32M
| └──007 Customizing Map Popup.mp4 70.07M
├──56 – YelpCamp_ Fancy Cluster Map
| ├──002 Adding Earthquake Cluster Map.mp4 78.19M
| ├──003 Reseeding Our Database (again).mp4 34.63M
| ├──004 Basic Clustering Campgrounds.mp4 127.42M
| ├──005 Tweaking Clustering Code.mp4 103.98M
| ├──006 Changing Cluster Size and Color.mp4 130.35M
| └──007 Adding Custom Popups.mp4 205.54M
├──57 – YelpCamp_ Styles Clean Up
| ├──001 Styling Home Page.mp4 95.64M
| ├──002 Additional Home Page Styling.mp4 52.91M
| ├──003 Styling Login Form.mp4 29.35M
| ├──004 Styling Register Form.mp4 61.71M
| └──006 Removing Inline Map Styles.mp4 33.97M
├──58 – YelpCamp_ Common Security Issues
| ├──001 Mongo Injection.mp4 44.59M
| ├──002 Cross Site Scripting (XSS).mp4 48.06M
| ├──003 Sanitizing HTML w_ JOI.mp4 188.84M
| ├──005 Hiding Errors.mp4 29.63M
| ├──006 Using Helmet.mp4 52.88M
| └──007 Content Security Policy Fun.mp4 156.32M
├──59 – YelpCamp_ Deploying
| ├──001 Setting Up Mongo Atlas.mp4 105.26M
| ├──002 Using Mongo For Our Session Store.mp4 107.01M
| ├──005 Fixing Heroku Errors.mp4 80.58M
| └──006 Configuring Heroku Env Variables.mp4 100.25M
├──60 – The End (
| └──001 What’s Next and Goodbye.mp4 54.29M
└──61 – LEGACY CONTENT (The Old Version Of This Course)
| ├──28370243-4.Intermediate-HTML.zip 562.95M
| ├──28370245-6.Intermediate-CSS.zip 813.57M
| ├──28370247-5.Introduction-To-CSS.zip 890.06M
| ├──28370249-2.Introduction-To-Front-End-Development.zip 301.10M
| ├──28370251-3.Introduction-To-HTML.zip 557.82M
| ├──28370635-1.Introduction-To-This-Course.zip 95.08M
| ├──28372715-7.5-BootstrapPt2.zip 636.71M
| ├──28372717-7.Bootstrap.zip 736.20M
| ├──28372719-9.5-Museum-Of-Candy-Project.zip 794.62M
| ├──28372721-11.JavaScript-Basics-Control-Flow.zip 485.85M
| ├──28372723-9.Bootstrap4-Flexbox-and-Layout.zip 910.89M
| ├──28372725-12.JavaScript-Basics-Functions.zip 403.63M
| ├──28372727-13.JavaScript-Basics-Arrays.zip 784.34M
| ├──28372729-10-Introduction-To-JavaScript.zip 357.95M
| ├──28372731-8.Bootstrap4.zip 888.61M
| ├──28382107-16.Advanced-DOM-Manipulation.zip 621.07M
| ├──28382109-18.Intro-to-jQuery.zip 525.26M
| ├──28382111-21.OPTIONAL-Patatap-Clone.zip 493.87M
| ├──28382113-20.Todo-List-Projects.zip 480.31M
| ├──28382115-17.Color-Game-Project.zip 877.97M
| ├──28382117-15.DOM-Manipulation.zip 596.96M
| ├──28382119-19.Advanced-jQuery.zip 285.92M
| ├──28382121-14.JavaScript-Basics-Objects.zip 323.90M
| ├──28385941-31.RESTful-Routing.zip 575.16M
| ├──28385943-32.Data-Associations.zip 329.38M
| ├──28385945-31.5-RESTful-Routing-2.zip 648.10M
| ├──28385947-26.Intermediate-Express.zip 719.10M
| ├──28385949-24.Node-JS.zip 490.13M
| ├──28385951-28.YelpCamp-Basics.zip 586.49M
| ├──28385953-25.Server-Side-Frameworks.zip 652.77M
| ├──28385955-27.Working-With-APIs.zip 290.72M
| ├──28385957-22.Backend-Basics.zip 481.56M
| ├──28385959-23.The-Command-Line.zip 430.74M
| ├──28385961-30.YelpCamp-Data-Persistence.zip 433.17M
| ├──28385963-29.Databases.zip 448.20M
| ├──28387837-33.YelpCamp-Comments.zip 818.95M
| ├──28387839-34.Authentication.zip 488.90M
| ├──28387843-35.YelpCamp-Adding-Authentication.zip 394.98M
| └──28387849-36.YelpCamp-Cleaning-Up.zip 490.44M